Improving Portability of Linux Applications by Early Detection of Interoperability Issues.

Improving Portability of Linux Applications by Early Detection of Interoperability Issues.


D. Silakov, A. Smachev.


This paper presents an approach aimed at simplifying development of portable Linux applications, suggesting a method of detecting compatibility problems between any Linux application and distribution by means of static analysis of executable files and shared libraries.

In the paper we concern the idea of successful launching of application in a distribution. A formal model is constructed that describes interfaces invoked during the program launching. A set of conditions is derived that should be satisfied by application's and distribution's files in order to make it possible for application to successfully launch in distribution. The Linux Application Checker tool is described that supports the approach and allows to detect portability problems of applications at early stage of development.

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Proceedings of ISoLA 2010. Heraclion, Greece, 2010, part II, pp. 357–370.

ISBN:3-642-16560-5 978-3-642-16560-3.

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