Multi-paradigm Models as Source for Automated Test Construction.

Multi-paradigm Models as Source for Automated Test Construction.




The article discusses problems of model based test construction and ways of their solution using different kinds of models (operational, contract, axiomatic, and historybased specifications). The main idea is that the integration of model based techniques having different underlying formalisms can give valuable practical results in test construction. The idea is illustrated by successful applications of UniTesK test development technology based on the combination of contract specifications used to describe system behavior and operational models used for test sequence generation. UniTesK was designed in RedVerst [1] group of ISP RAS on the base of experience obtained in several industrial software testing projects.

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Ключевые слова

Model based testing, specification based testing.


Proc. of Workshop on Model Based Testing, Barcelona, Spain, March 2004. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 111:137-160, 2005, Elseveir.

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