
Own Technologies

Asperitas and cloud solutions family

Asperitas is a platform for data storage and performing complex resource-intensive calculations on demand. It includes a cloud environment also called Asperitas (listed as No. 5921 in the Unified Register of Russian Programs) as well as Michman, a PaaS orchestrator, and Clouni, an IaaS orchestrator. Fanlight, a web laboratories platform, is also a part of ISP RAS cloud solutions family (listed in the Register as No. 6066).

Dedoc: a document structure retrieval system

Dedoc is an open universal system for converting documents to a unified format. It extracts a document’s logical structure, its tables and metadata. The document’s contents are represented as a tree storing headings and lists of any level. Dedoc can be integrated in a document contents and structure analysis system as a separate module.

EcgHub: in-depth analysis of digital ECG

EcgHub is a 12-lead ECG labeling system and neural network models’ collection for pathology prediction. The system allows to predict the presence or absence of several pathologies, as well as to perform and review the syndromic ECG markup based on the verified questionnaire, thus providing a dataset for further development of neural network models.

Docmarking: a system for marking text documents

Docmarking is a unique system for embedding digital watermarks into text documents. It allows creating a digital or physical document copy that is almost indistinguishable from the original yet exactly identifies the user or the device that was the intended recipient.

SciNoon: exploratory search system for scientific groups

SciNoon is a system for collaborative exploration of scientific papers. SciNoon is an essential tool for a group of researchers to dive quickly into the new area of knowledge and to find answers on their questions, following up with tracking new research on the topic of interest with highly customizable alerts.

Talisman: a data processing framework

Talisman is a unified set of tools that automate typical data processing tasks, such as data retrieval, integration, analysis, storage and visualization. It makes possible the fast development of specialized multi-user analytical systems that merge and work uniformly with the data from private databases and Internet sources (including social networks).

Texterra: a semantic analyzer

Texterra — is a scalable platform for extracting semantics from text. It contains the complete fundamental set of technologies for creating multifunctional applications for text analysis. Texterra bases its semantic analysis approach on concept identification. The platform is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs (No.4048).