Scientific and Practical Conference of Developers OS "OS Day"
The Conference is aimed at consolidation the efforts of Russian specialists in operating systems. Formulation of the challenges and opportunities of Russia in the development of system software. Creating a personnel reserve of young professionals in system programming. The Conference is communication platform for researchers and practitioners in system programming and development of operating systems, a place of association of Russian developers, independently moving in similar directions.
The Conference will open a series of scientific and practical activities (seminars, conferences, visiting schools), aimed at promoting the current trends in the field of software and involvement of students from leading technical universities in Russia and young IT professionals in research and design work on the subject. The following actual direction are interesting:
- Operating systems and architecture for embedded real-time systems.
- Operational systems for wireless sensor networks.
- Operational systems for management of GPU resources.
- Operating systems for multicore and cloud computing.
- Optimization of system level for access to memory.
- Specialized version of the Linux kernel.
- Operating system virtualization.
- Operating systems for asymmetric multi-core processors.
- Energy management in mobile devices.
- Methods and tools of design, development, verification and maintenance of operating systems.
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