Using supercomputer potential for scalable numerical simulation of gas dynamics and hydrodynamics for industrial applications based on open source software.
Using supercomputer potential for scalable numerical simulation of gas dynamics and hydrodynamics for industrial applications based on open source software.
The idea of the project was to create a technological advance in area of direct computation modeling of turbulence and large eddy method as well as to find ways for effective supercomputer usage in industrial applications.
A software implementing algorithms for computation modeling of gas- and hydrodynamics numerical simulation in industrial applications based on OpenFOAM free software package was developed under the project. On the base of this software a method of using the supercomputer for numerical modeling of gas- and hydrodynamics problems in industrial applications was developed.
Also, computations for several problems were performed:
- subsonic flow of diagnostic radiometer in twisted laminar gas flow;
- subsonic unsteady flow of cargo-containers on helicopter external load adjusted for laminar-turbulent transition in boundary layer;
- subsonic flow of rotating body;
- modeling of ship dynamics and hydrodynamics on irregular waves adjusted for laminar-turbulent transition in boundary layer;
- modeling of flow in turbo compressor;
- modeling of diesel fuel stream atomization adjusted for Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instability models.
The project was implemented under the Program "Research and development in priority areas of Russia scientific and technological complex development for 2007-2013".