Distributed STEP-compliant Platform for Multi-modal Collaboration in Architecture, Engineering and Construction.
Distributed STEP-compliant Platform for Multi-modal Collaboration in Architecture, Engineering and Construction.
This paper presents an innovative software platform OpenSTEP intended to build advanced distributed integrated systems and to conduct multidisciplinary collaborative projects in both academy and industry. The paper discusses an open system architecture, methodology, component library and CASE toolkit enabling the developers to build a wide range of interoperable applications and systems compliant with STEP and, particularly, with IFC becoming the increasingly important standard for information integration in architecture, engineering and construction. The component-based organization of the OpenSTEP platform assumes flexible capabilities to build systems with the client-server architecture, to configure and to deploy them in heterogeneous infrastructures of enterprises as well as to support effective collaboration of individuals and groups involved in joint projects. The achieved unification of the software interfaces and components provides a relatively easy migration path from existing single-site applications to advanced distributed collaborative environments and has potential making for investment succession.
Proceedings of X International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE, 2004.06.02-04, Weimar, Germany. Publisher: Bauhaus-Universität, VDG Weimar, 2004. Pp. 318-319 (full paper 12 p.p. published online and on CD).
Research Group
System integration and multi-disciplinary collaborative environments
All publications during 2004