Semantics-based Reconciliation of Divergent Replicas in Advanced Concurrent Engineering Environments.
Semantics-based Reconciliation of Divergent Replicas in Advanced Concurrent Engineering Environments.
A novel method for semantics-based reconciliation of long-lived transactions in concurrent engineering environments is described. The reconciliation is a key element of recent optimistic replication technologies facing the challenges of diverging replicas, conflicts between concurrent operations and disturbing consistency. The research presented addresses the general problem of semantically consistent and functionally meaningful reconciliation and enables significant simplification and formalization of its solution. The advantages of the method are strong guarantees of semantic consistency of the convergent representation, capabilities to use it in autonomous and user interactive modes as well as avoidance of combinatorial explosion peculiar to many other methods. The particular application is presented to illustrate how the method can be effectively applied for collaborative software engineering in the scope of the emerging UML-driven methodology.
Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, 2007. Pp. 557-564.
Research Group
System integration and multi-disciplinary collaborative environments
All publications during 2007