On Complementary Principles of Object-Oriented Constraint Programming.

On Complementary Principles of Object-Oriented Constraint Programming.


V.A. Semenov, K.V. Dragalov, D.V. Ilyin, S.V. Morozov, and O.V. Sidyaka


The paper is devoted to the implementation of the paradigm of the object-oriented constraint programming (OOCP), which combines complementary ideas and principles of the object-oriented programming (OOP) and constraint logical programming (CLP). Although the idea looks attractive and there have been attempts to implement it with the use of logical and functional languages, its future outline is still not clear. In the paper, a survey of the existing technologies of the constraint programming is given, and a new systematic approach to the implementation of the object-oriented constraint programming based on the use of declarative data modeling languages is discussed. The advantages of the approach related to the expressiveness and generality of the constraint problem declarations are demonstrated on the example of the classical mathematical queen problem. A general algorithmic strategy of solving the constraint problems is also discussed.

Text of article


Programming and Computer Software. Volume: 36. Number: 5. Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 2010. Pp. 264-275.

Research Group

System integration and multi-disciplinary collaborative environments

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