An approach to quantitative analysis of resistance of equivalent transformations of algebraic circuits.
02 August, 2019
OS DAY-2019. Cooperation among operating platform developers and the security of Russian software
10 April, 2019
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An approach to quantitative analysis of resistance of equivalent transformations of algebraic circuits.
A system of computations on encrypted data such that
— transformation of encryption is effective, i.e. can be performed in polynomial time on the size of circuit C;
— the size of scheme A' differs not essentially from the size of initial scheme A;
— lower bounds on resistance of circuit is exponential
is constructed.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming, vol. 6 (in Russian), 2004, Стр. 157-178.
ISSN 2220-6426 (Online), ISSN 2079-8156 (Print).