SIO program suite for structured data processing

SIO program suite for structured data processing

Alexey Olegovich IGNATYEV, Sergey Yurievich MOKSHIN


Numerical modeling of various physical processes involves the use of computing resources at different stages of preparation, calculations and processing of their results. At the same time, there is a problem of data transfer between various application software used on heterogeneous computing resources with different architectures. The main approaches to the development and use of software for working with structured data of application software on the example of HDF and SIO discussed in this article.


computing system, structured data, high-performance computing simulation, mathematical simulation subsystem, data format, HDF, SIO


Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming, vol. 35, issue 2, 2023, 101-110

ISSN 2220-6426 (Online), ISSN 2079-8156 (Print).

DOI: 10.15514/ISPRAS-2023-35(2)-7

For citation

Alexey Olegovich IGNATYEV, Sergey Yurievich MOKSHIN SIO program suite for structured data processing. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming, vol. 35, issue 2, 2023, 101-110 DOI: 10.15514/ISPRAS-2023-35(2)-7.

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