Object Systematization and Paradigms of Computational Mathematics.
General aspects of the application of object technology to the programming of problems and methods of computational mathematics are considered. Principles of the object-oriented approach (OOA) and their systematizing role in a given subject domain are discussed. On the basis of object analysis, a formal model of computational mathematics is constructed. The model incorporates basic kinds of mathematical objects and messages that mechanize interactions of mathematical objects in the framework of computational applications. Analysis of the model reveals a number of object paradigms of programming that express fundamental principles of computational mathematics and determine a constructive approach to the implementation of mathematical software of different subject and problem orientation.
Programming and Computer Software. Volume: 23. Number: 4. Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 1997. Pp. 189-197.
Research Group
System integration and multi-disciplinary collaborative environments
All publications during 1978-1997