Virtual Reality Modeling Using Mapping Declarations.

Virtual Reality Modeling Using Mapping Declarations.


S.V. Morozov, V.A. Semenov, O.A. Tarlapan


The paper presents a formal approach to virtual reality modeling using a mapping declarative language. The declarations specify how the business and visual information models are interrelated and how the virtual reality scenes can be reconstructed from business data. Having been implemented, the approach enables to compose the sophisticated scenes intelligently – immediately from business objects. As a result, the scene specifications gain in expressiveness, reliability and reusability. Based on VRML and EXPRESS/EXPRESS-X languages, an effective implementation of the approach also has been presented. The discussion is accompanied by the examples of scientific computing and engineering applications.


Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, 5th International Conference 3IA’2002, Limoges, France, 14-15 May, 2002. Publisher: Clermont-Ferrand, 2002. Pp. 129-135.

Research Group

System integration and multi-disciplinary collaborative environments

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