- Novak L., Zamulin A. A Formal Model of XML Schema. Proceedings of XSDM, 2005.
- Novak L., Zamulin A. Algebraic Semantics of XML Schema. Proceedings of ADBIS, 2005.
- Grinev M., Pleshachkov P. Rewriting-based Optimization for XQuery Transformational Queries. 9th International Database Engineering & Application Symposium (IDEAS 2005). pp. 163-174.
- Pleshachkov P., Chardin P., Kuznetsov S. XDGL: XPath-Based Concurrency Control Protocol for XML Data. 22nd British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD'2005), LNCS 3567, pp. 145-154, 2005.
- Pleshachkov P., Chardin P., Kuznetsov S. A DataGuide-based Concurrency Control Protocol for Cooperation on XML Data. 9th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'2005).
- Rekouts M. Incorporating Active Rules Processing into Update Execution in XML Database Systems. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2005. Proceedings. Sixteenth International Workshop on, pp. 831-836.
- Rekouts M., Grinev M. Introducing Trigger Support for XML Database Systems. SYRCoDIS, 2005.
- Zakharov V.A., Zakharyaschev I.M. On the equivalence checking problem for a model of programs related with muti-tape automata. Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'04), July 22-24, 2004), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, vol. 3317, pp. 293-305.
- Zakharov V.A., Zakharyaschev I.M. An equivalence-checking algorithm for polysemantic models of sequential programs. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Program Understanding (14-16 July, 2003, Altai Mountains), 2005, Novosibirsk, pp. 59-70.
- V.V.Kuliamin, V.A.Omelchenko, O.L.Petrenko. Active Learning Facilitates Success of Formal Methods in Practice. Formal Methods: Challenges in the business world. Proc. of 2-nd SEEFM, Ohrid, Macedonia, 18-19 Nov 2005, pp.132-141, SEERC, 2005.
- V.Kuliamin, A.Petrenko, N.Pakoulin. Extended Design-by-Contract Approach to Specification and Conformance Testing of Distributed Software. Proc. of 9-th WMSCI, Orlando, USA, July 2005, v. VII. Model Based Development and Testing, pp. 65-70.
- V.Kuliamin, A.Petrenko, N.Pakoulin. Practical Approach to Specification and Conformance Testing of Distributed Network Applications. Proc. of 2-nd ISAS 2005, Berlin, Germany, April 2005, pp. 60-73 M. Malek, E. Nett, N. Suri, eds. Service Availability. LNCS 3694, pp. 68-83, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- V.A. Semenov, A.A. Bazhan, S.V. Morozov & O.A. Tarlapan Efficient Verification of Product Model Data: an Approach and an Analysis. CIB-W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction, Dresden, Germany, July 19-21, 2005. Publisher: Institute for Construction Informatics, Technische Universität Dresden, 2005. Pp. 261-268.
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