Optimizing Concurrent Processing of Write-then-Read Transactions.
Write-then-read transaction (W|R) is a transaction that consists of two consecutive phases: write phase containing write and read operations in random order, and second phase containing read operations and write operations only on data items previously updated in the first phase. W|R transactions are of great practical importance, but the problem of efficient processing of such transactions has received only little attention of research community so far. In this paper, we present Dynamic Versioning Protocol (DVP), which optimizes W|R transactions processing using versions on the second phase. DVP supports STEAL policy and incorporates dynamic approach to the problem of selecting most suitable versions for read operations of the read phase. We prove the correctness of our protocol, so it guarantees the serializability of all transactions. The conducted experimental evaluation shows significant benefits of DVP for processing of concurrent W|R transactions.
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In proceedings of the Fifth Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, SYRCoDIS'2008.