Publications during 2008

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Proceedings of ISP RAS

Publications during 2008


  1. Burdonov, Igor. Conformal theory for functional testing of program system based on formal models. Diss. Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008.
  2. Rubanov, V.V. The method of automatic building cross-development tools for extensible embedded systems. Diss. Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008.


  1. Burdonov, I.B., A.S. Kosachev, and V.V. Kulyamin. Theory of correspondences for systems with blocking and destruction. М.: Наука. Глав. ред. физ.-мат. лит., 2008. 412 p.

Other publications

  1. Lizorkin D., Velikhov P., Grinev M., Turdakov D. Accuracy Estimate and Optimization Techniques for SimRank Computation. In proceedings of Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB, 2008.
  2. Novak L., Grinev M., Taranov I. Efficient Implementation of XQuery Constructor Expressions. SYRCoDIS 2008.
  3. Grineva M., Grinev M., Turdakov D., Velikhov P., Boldakov A. Harnessing Wikipedia for Smart Tags Clustering. In proceedings of International Workshop on “Knowledge Acquisition from the Social Web” KASW'08.
  4. Grinev M., Lizorkin D., Turdakov D., Velikhov P. Efficient Ranking and Computation of Semantic Relatedness and its Application to Word Sense Disambiguation. Technical Report, 2008.
  5. Turdakov D., Velikhov P. Semantic Relatedness Metric for Wikipedia Concepts Based on Link Analysis and its Application to Word Sense Disambiguation. In proceedings of the Fifth Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, SYRCoDIS'2008.
  6. Kalinin A. Optimizing Concurrent Processing of Write-then-Read Transactions. In proceedings of the Fifth Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, SYRCoDIS'2008.
  7. Khoroshilov A., Mutilin V., Shcherbina V., Strikov O., Vinogradov S., Zakharov V.A. How to cook an automated system for Linux driver verification. Proceedings of the 1st Spring Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software Engineering SYRCoSE 2008 (St Petersburg, May 29-30, 2008), 2008, Санкт-Петербург, с. 15-19.
  8. V.A. Semenov, S.V. Morozov, O.A. Tarlapan, H. Jones, A.V. Semenova Consistent Reconciliation of Divergent Project Schedules Under Semantic & Functional Constraints. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, ECPPM 2008 Proceedings. Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. Pp. 307-316.
  9. Vitaly Semenov, Sergey Morozov, Huw Jones, Anna Semenova Achieving Schedule Concurrency & Consistency in Major Collaborative Projects. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction, October 16-18, Beijing, China. Publisher: Tsinghua University Press, 2008. Pp. 179 (full paper 6 p.p. published on CD).
  10. Konstantin Vlasov, Vladimir Rubanov, Andrey Smachev Automated Analysis of Cross-Distribution Compatibility of Linux Applications Proceedings of «Software Engineering Conference Russia 2008», Moscow 2008.
  11. Avetisyan A.I., Gaissaryan S.S., Kalugin M.D., Teplukhin A.V. Development of parallel algorithm for computer simulation of water-ion DNA cover. Proceedings of XIII Baikal Conference on Information and Mathematical Technologies in Science and Management. 2008.
  12. Avetisyan А.I., Babkova V.V., Kalugin M.D. Parallel software development in ParJava. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2008.
  13. A. Kamkin. Coverage-Directed Verification of Microprocessor Units Based on Contract Specifications. EWDTS 2008, pp. 84-87.
  14. V.V. Kuliamin. Methods of software verification. Competition of the overview and analytical articles on "Information systems", 2008.
  15. A. Khoroshilov, V. Mutilin. Formal Methods for Open Source Components Certification. Milan, Italy, In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert’2008), 10 September 2008, pp. 52-63.
  16. Petrenko Alexander, Kuliamin Victor, Petrenko Olga, Rubanov Vladimir, Khoroshilov Alexey. IT Education Approach Based On Free Software Development Projects. Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "IT Education in Russia", May 12-13, 2008, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
  17. Vladimir Rubanov, Denis Silakov. Certifcation Infrastructure for the Linux Standard Base (LSB). Proceedings of the second International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certifcation (OpenCert 2008). Milan, Italy, 2008. pp. 79-88.
  18. Vladimir Rubanov, Nikolay Pakulin. ISE language: the ADL for Efficient Development of Cross Toolkits. Proceedings of Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems Conference 2008, France. pp. 87-98.
  19. Denis Silakov. Linux Distributions and Applications Analysis During Linux Standard Base Development. Second Spring Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engeneering (SYRCoSE). St. Petersburg, 2008, V.1, pp.11-18.
  20. Alexey V. Khoroshilov, Vladimir V. Rubanov, Eugene A. Shatokhin. Automated Formal Testing of C API Using T2C Framework. In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium «Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation» (ISoLA 2008), Porto Sani, Greece, October 13-15, 2008. pp 56-70.
  21. Alexey Khoroshilov, Denis Silakov. Software Portability: Forty Years Later. Proceedings of the International Conference "Software Engineering Conference (Russia)", Moscow, Russia, October 21-25, 2008. 318-331. (in Russian)
  22. M.Chupilko, A.Kamkin, D.Vorobyev. Methodolody and Experience of Simulation-Based Verification of Microprocessor Units Based on Cycle-Accurate Contract Specifications. Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering, Volume 2, 2008. pp. 25-31.
  23. M. A. Potapov, E. A. Shatokhin Some methods of automatic analysis and controllable transformation of programs Automation and Remote Control, August 2008, Volume 69, Issue 8, pp 1433-1443.
  24. E. Kornikhin. Test Data Generation for Arithmetic Subsystem of CPUs MIPS64. Proceedings of SYRCoSE'08, Volume 2, pp.43-46.
  25. A.Kossachev. Automated test Generation’s Technology. Сучаснi проблеми прикладноi математики та iнформатики, Львiв, 2008, стр.98.
  26. V. Kuliamin. Test Construction for Mathematical Functions. K. Suzuki, T. Higashino, A. Ulrich, T. Hasegawa, eds. Testing of Software and Communicating Systems, proceedings of TESTCOM/FATES 2008, LNCS 5047, pp. 23-37.
  27. A.Petrenko. Formal Methods and Innovation Economy: Facing New Challenges. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Software Enginering and Formal Methods, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-14 November 2008.
  28. E. S. Chernov. Extension of interface signature descriptions for automatic test generation. Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering, Volume 2, pp. 37-42.
  29. Е.С. Чернов, В. В. Кулямин. Тестирование современных библиотек тригонометрических функций. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 161-178.
  30. С.Г. Грошев. Локализация ошибок методом сокращенного воспроизведения трассы. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 137-160.
  31. А.В. Демаков, С.В. Зеленов, С.А. Зеленова. Генератор сложных данных Pinery: реализация новых возможностей UniTESK. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 119-136.
  32. С.В. Зеленов, С.А. Зеленова. Автоматическое определение выполнимости наборов формул для операций сравнения. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 109-118.
  33. В.В. Кулямин. Критерии тестового покрытия, основанные на структуре контрактных спецификаций. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 89-108.
  34. В.С. Мутилин. Многопоточное тестирование программных интерфейсов. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 73-88.
  35. И.Б. Бурдонов, А.С. Косачев. Эквивалентные семантики взаимодействия. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 55-72.
  36. И.Б. Бурдонов, А.С. Косачев. Системы с приоритетами: конформность, тестирование, композиция. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 23-54.
  37. А.К. Петренко. Унификация в автоматизации тестирования. Позиция UniTESK. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 7-22.
  38. В.П. Иванников, В.В. Кулямин. Предисловие. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 1 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 5-6.
  39. Д.В. Силаков. Автоматизация тестирования web-приложений, основанных на скриптовых языках. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 159-178.
  40. Р.С. Зыбин. Опыт применения технологии Azov для тестирования библиотеки Qt3. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 143-158.
  41. А.В. Пономаренко, Е.С. Чернов. Алгоритм генерации тестов работоспособности на основе расширенной базы данных LSB. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 129-142.
  42. Р.С. Зыбин, А.В. Пономаренко, В.В. Рубанов, Е.С. Чернов. Расширение описаний сигнатур операций для автоматической генерации тестов. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 109-128.
  43. Р.С. Зыбин, В.В. Кулямин, А.В. Пономаренко, В.В. Рубанов, Е.С. Чернов. Технология Azov автоматизации массового создания тестов работоспособности. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 83-108.
  44. В.В. Рубанов, А.В. Хорошилов, Е.А. Шатохин. T2C: технология автоматизированной разработки тестов базовой функциональности программных интерфейсов. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 65-82.
  45. А.С. Камкин. Генерация тестовых программ для микропроцессоров. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 23-64.
  46. А.C. Камкин, М.M. Чупилко. Тестирование модулей арифметики с плавающей точкой микропроцессоров на соответствие стандарту IEEE 754. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 7-22.
  47. В.П. Иванников, В.В. Кулямин. Предисловие. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 14, issue 2 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 5-6.
  48. В.А. Семенов, С.В. Морозов, О.А. Тарлапан, И.В. Энкович. Нечеткое сравнение коллекций: семантический и алгоритмический аспекты. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 181-209.
  49. Д.А. Лизоркин. Язык модификации данных формата XML функциональными методами. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 153-180.
  50. П.Н. Яковенко, А.В. Сапожников. Подход к реализации переносимого TTCN-3 отладчика. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 135-151.
  51. К.Н. Долгова, А.В. Чернов. О некоторых задачах обратной инженерии. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 119-134.
  52. Е.В. Корныхин. Генерация тестовых данных для тестирования арифметических операций центральных процессоров. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 107-117.
  53. И.Б. Бурдонов, А.С. Косачев. Обобщённые семантики тестового взаимодействия. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 69-105.
  54. В.В. Липаев. Проблемы экономики производства крупных программных продуктов. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 51-68.
  55. А. К. Петренко, О. Л. Петренко, В. В. Кулямин. Роль научных организаций в подготовке ИТ- специалистов. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 41-49.
  56. В.В. Рубанов. Обзор методов описания встраиваемой аппаратуры и построения инструментария кросс-разработки. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 7-40.
  57. В.П. Иванников. Предисловие. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 15 (in Russian), 2008 . Стр. 5-6.

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