An approach to lightweight static data race detection.

An approach to lightweight static data race detection.


Andrianov Pavel, Khoroshilov Alexey, Mutilin Vadim


The paper presents a lightweight approach to static data race detection. It is based on the Lockset one, but it implements several simplifications that are aimed to reduce amount of false alarms. The approach is implemented on top of CPAchecker tool and its evaluation is in progress. The main target of our research and evaluation is operating system kernels but the approach can be applied to analysis of other programs as well.

Full text of the paper in pdf


static analysis, data race condition, verification, operating system kernel, shared data


Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering. ISP RAS, 2014. pp. 27-33.

DOI: 10.15514/SYRCOSE-2014-8-4


Research Group

Software Engineering

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