Publications during 2014

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Proceedings of ISP RAS

Publications during 2014


  1. Workshop on deductive programs verification. Workshop on deductive programs verification. MAKS Press, Moscow, 2014.

Other publications

  1. Turdakov D.Y., Andrianov I.A., Astrakhantsev N.A., Mayorov V.D., Nedumov Y.R., Sysoev A.A., Fedorenko D.G. Semantic Analysis of Texts using Texterra System. Abstracts of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics "Dialogue". 2014.
  2. Astrakhantsev N.A., Fedorenko D.G., Turdakov D.Y. Automatic Enrichment of Informal Ontology by Analyzing a Domain-Specific Text Collection. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Papers from the Annual International Conference "Dialogue" (2014) Issue 13, pp. 29-42.
  3. Varlamov M.I., Korshunov A.V. Computing semantic similarity of concepts using shortest paths in Wikipedia link graph. Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2014. V. 1, № 8. Pp. 1107 - 1125.
  4. Chykhradze K.K., Korshunov A.V., Buzun N.O., Kuzyurin N.N. On a model of social network with user communities for distributed generation of random social graphs. Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2014. V. 1, № 8. Pp. 1027 - 1047.
  5. A.S. Kamkin, T.I. Sergeeva, S.A. Smolov, A.D. Tatarnikov, M.M. Chupilko. Extensible Environment for Test Program Generation for Microprocessors. Programming and Computer Software. vol. 40, no. 1, 2014, P. 1-9.
  6. A. Kamkin, M. Petrochenkov. A System to Support Formal Methods-Based Verification of Coherence Protocol Implementations. Voprosy radioehlektroniki [Issues of Radio Electronics], no. 3, 2014. P. 27-38.
  7. S. Löwe, M. Mandrykin, P. Wendler. CPAchecker with Sequential Combination of Explicit-Value Analyses and Predicate Analyses - (Competition Contribution). Proceedings of TACAS. 2014. pp. 392-394.
  8. M.U. Mandrykin, A.V. Khoroshilov Extended High-Level C-Compatible Memory Model with Limited Low-Level Pointer Cast Support for Jessie Intermediate Language Proceedings of Tools & Methods of Program Analysis, TMPA-2014, KSTU, Kostroma, Russia, pp. 36-45.
  9. D. Beyer, S. Löwe, E. Novikov, A. Stahlbauer, P. Wendler. Precision reuse in CPAchecker. Proceedings of the Software Engineering 2014 conference (SE 2014), editors W. Hasselbring, N. C. Ehmke, LNI P-227, pages 41-42. Köllen Druck + Verlag GmbH, Bonn, 2014.
  10. A.S. Protsenko, M.M. Chupilko Recognition and interpretation of incorrect behavior in simulation-based hardware verification. Problems of development of perspective micro- and nanoelectronics systems – 2014. Proceedings of the conference / under general edition of the academician of RAS A.L. Stempkovsky. M.: IPPM RAS, 2014. Part II. pp. 91-96.
  11. Ilya Shchepetkov Method for automatic adapting of specifications of rules for correct usage of API. Proceedings of Theses of XXI International Scientific Conference for students, Phd. Students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2014”, pages 124-126.
  12. Ilya Shchepetkov Using Rodin for development and verification of Event-B models. Proceedings of the 11th conference for free software developers, pages 50-52.
  13. Petr N. Devyanin, Alexey V. Khoroshilov, Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexander K. Petrenko, Ilya V. Shchepetkov. Formal Verification of OS Security Model with Alloy and Event-B. In A. Yamine and K.-D. Schewe, eds. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, LNCS 8477:309-313, Proceedings of ABZ-2014, Toulouse, France, June 2-6, 2014.
  14. A.Kamkin, S. Smolov A Method of EFSM Models Extraction from HDL Descriptions:Application to Functional Verification. The Proceedings of VI All-Russia Science & Technology Conference "Problems of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development", Vol. II. P. 113-118.
  15. Denis Efremov, Nikita Komarov Tools Support for Linux Kernel Deductive Verification Workflow. Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering, 2014 (8) Труды SYRCoSE 2014
  16. V. Mordan, E. Novikov. Minimizing the number of static verifier traces to reduce time for finding bugs in Linux kernel modules. Proceedings of the 8th Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE 2014), editors A. Kamkin, A. Petrenko, A. Terekhov, Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29-31. ISP RAS, Moscow, 2014.
  17. Andrianov Pavel, Khoroshilov Alexey, Mutilin Vadim An approach to lightweight static data race detection. Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering. ISP RAS, 2014. pp. 27-33.
  18. Andrianov Pavel, Khoroshilov Alexey, Mutilin Vadim Lightweight Static Analysis for Data Race Detection in Operating System Kernels. Proceedings of TMPA-2014, pp.128-135, November 14-15, 2014, Kostroma, Russia.
  19. Databases for Social Networks. Open Systems. DBMS, 2014, Volume 22, Number 2.
  20. Gomzin A., Ipatov S., Korshunov A., Kim H. Recipient suggestion for electronic messages using local social network data. Proceedings of SYRCoDIS'14: The Tenth Spring Researchers Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, Velikiy Novgorod, 2014.
  21. Gomzin A., Ipatov S., Korshunov A. Recipient suggestion for electronic messages using various types of local social network data. Vestnik NovSU, 2014.
  22. Kozlov I., Avanesov V. Faster PLSA: Finding Initial Approximation for Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis training. Proceedings of SYRCoDIS'14: The Tenth Spring Researchers Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, Velikiy Novgorod, 2014.
  23. Buzun N., Korshunov A., Avanesov V., Filonenko I., Kozlov I., Turdakov D., Kim H. EgoLP: Fast and Distributed Community Detection in Billion-node Social Networks. Proceeding of DaMNet-2014: The Fourth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks. December 14, 2014, Shenzhen, China.
  24. Chykhradze K., Korshunov A., Buzun N., Pastukhov R., Kuzyurin N., Turdakov D., Kim H. Distributed Generation of Billion-node Social Graphs with Overlapping Community Structure. 5th Workshop on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2014, Bologna, Italy. Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 549, 2014, pp. 199-208.
  25. Kuznetsov S.D., Poskonin A.V. NoSQL data management systems. Programming and Computer Software. November 2014, Volume 40, Issue 6, pp. 323-332.
  26. Fedorenko D., Sysoev A., Astrakhantsev N. Evaluation Methods for Wikification. Proceedings of RuSSIR Young Scientist Conference, Kazan, 2014.
  27. V.P. Ivannikov, A.S. Kamkin, M.M. Chupilko. Verifying Correctness of HDL-Model Behavior on the Basis of Dynamical Trace Matching. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Computer Science. Telecommunication and Control Systems, 2(193), 2014, pp. 130-142.
  28. A. Kotsynyak, A. Tatarnikov. A Generic Knowledgebase for Test Generation. Spring/Summer Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE), 2014.
  29. M. Chupilko, A. Protsenko. Simulation-based Hardware Verification Back-end: Diagnostics. Spring/Summer Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE), 2014.
  30. Igor Burdonov, Alexander Kossatchev. Graph learning by interacting automata. Tomsk state university journal of control and computer science, №3, 2014, pp. 67-75. Print.
  31. Igor Burdonov, Alexander Kossatchev. Graph learning by interacting automata. New information technics for complex structure learning. Proceeding of 10-th Russian conference. 2014, Tomsk state university publ., pp.47-48. Print.
  32. I.Burdonov, A. Kossachev, N. Yevtushenko. Deriving complete finite tests based on state machines. Proceedings of 12-th IEEE East-West Design& Tests Symposium (EWDTS 2014), Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, 2014, pp. 100-103.
  33. Burdonov, A. Kossachev, V. Kuliamin. Parallel calculations by automata on direct and back spanning trees of a graph. French-Russian Seminar on Software Verification, Testing, and Quality Estimation, Paris, France, November 24-25, 2014.
  34. I.Burdonov, A. Kossachev, V. Kuliamin. Building direct and back spanning trees by automata on a graph. French-Russian Seminar on Software Verification, Testing, and Quality Estimation, Paris, France, November 24-25, 2014.
  35. Ekaterina Lavrischeva, Andrey Stenyashin, Andrii Kolesnyk. Object-Component Development of Application and Systems. Theory and Practice Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2014, 7, Published Online August 2014 in SciRes.
  36. Khoroshilov A., Mutilin V., Novikov E., Zakharov I. Modeling Environment for Static Verification of Linux Kernel Modules. Proceedings of PSI, pp. 116-125, 2014.
  37. D.Buzdalov, A.Khoroshilov. A discrete-event simulator for early validation of avionics systems Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Architecture Centric Virtual Integration - ACVI 2014, Valencia, Spain, September 29, 2014. CEUR WS Vol-1233, pp.28-38.
  38. Alexey Khoroshilov. The Experience of Increasing Linux File System Test Coverage. OSADL Networking Day 2014, 4 June 2014, Heidelberg, Germany.
  39. Alexey Khoroshilov, Vadim Mutilin. The Experience of Linux Driver Verification. Talk at Dagstuhl Seminar 14171, Schloss Dagstuhl, 25 April 2014.
  40. K. Mallachiev, N. Pakulin. Protecting Applications from Highly Privileged Malware Using Bare-metal Hypervisor. Proceedings of the 8th Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE 2014), editors A. Kamkin, A. Petrenko, A. Terekhov, Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29-31. ISP RAS, Moscow, 2014.
  41. Chemeritsky E.V., Smeliansky R.L., Zakharov V.A. A formal model and verification problems for Software Defined Networks. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press Inc. (United States), 2014, vol. 48, № 7, pp. 398-406.
  42. Konnov I.V., Podymov V.V., Volkanov D.Yu, Zorin D.A., Zakharov V.A. How to make a simple tool for verification of real-time systems. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press Inc. (United States), 2014, vol 48, № 7, pp. 534-542.
  43. V.A. Zakharov, E.V. Chemeritsky On the update problems for Software Defined Networks.
  44. Altukhov V.S., Chemeritskiy E.V., Podymov V.V., Zakharov V.A. A runtime verification system for Software Defined Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference "Tools & Methods of Program Analysis", TMPA-2014, 2014, Kostroma, KSTU, pp. 19-28.
  45. Chemeritskiy E.V., Zakharov V.A. Constitent network update without tagging. SDN&NFV:The Next Generation of Computational. Infrastructure: 2014 International Scientific and Technology Conference "Modern Networking Technologies (MoNeTec)", 2014, pp. 47-52.
  46. Chemeritskiy E.V., Zakharov V.A. On the Network Update Problem for Software Defined Networks. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop "Program Semantics, Specification and Verification: Theory and Applications", 2014, Издательский дом ГУ ВШЭ Москва, pp. 26-37.
  47. Novikova T.A., Zakharov V.A. Two-sided unification is NP-complete. Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Unification (UNIF-2014), RISC-Linz Report Series, 2014, JKU Linz, Vienna, Austria, vol. 6, p. 55-61.
  48. Altukhov V.S., Chemeritskiy E.V., Podymov V.V., Zakharov V.A. VERMONT - a toolset for checking SDN packet forwarding policies on-line. SDN&NFV:The Next Generation of Computational. Infrastructure: 2014 International Scientific and Technology Conference "Modern Networking Technologies (MoNeTec)", 2014, pp. 7-12.
  49. Novikova T.A., Zakharov V.A. On the complexity of the solution problem for linear equations over finite substitutions.
  50. Zakharov V.A. On the equivalence of bounded-nondeterministic transducers over semigroups.
  51. Vitaly Semenov, Anton Anichkin, Sergey Morozov, Oleg Tarlapan, Vladislav Zolotov Effective project scheduling under workspace congestion and workflow disturbance factors.` Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building - Conference Series, Volume: 2. Number: 1. Publisher: University of Technology Sydney ePress, 2014. Pp. 35-50.
  52. Kazakov K.A., Semenov V.A. Global path planning in complex dynamic scenes. Proceedings of XIX Baikal Conference "Information and Mathematical Technologies in Science and Management". Vol 2. Publisher: ISEM SB RAS, 2014. Pp. 40-46.
  53. Petrishchev K.S., Zolotov V.A., Semenov V.A. Nearest-neighbor search in complex 3D scenes. Proceedings of XIX Baikal Conference "Information and Mathematical Technologies in Science and Management". Vol 3. Publisher: ISEM SB RAS, 2014. Pp. 56-62.
  54. V.A. Zolotov, K.A. Kazakov, V.A. Semenov Effective spatial reasoning in complex 4D modeling environments. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, ECPPM 2014 Proceedings. Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. Pp. 181-186.
  55. V.A. Semenov, V.I. Gonahchan, S.V Morozov & O.A. Tarlapan Ontology model for intelligent catalogues of building elements. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, ECPPM 2014 Proceedings. Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. Pp. 527-534.
  56. Lavrischeva Ekaterina. The Operating Computing Complex «Dnepr-2» Proceedings of the 2014 Third International Conference on Computer Technology in Russia and in the Former Soviet Union SoRuCom 2014.
  57. A.I. Getman, V.A. Padaryan Data format recovery through binary code analysis: state and perspectives. Magazine “Problems of information security. Computer systems”, №3, 2014.
  58. N.N. Kuzyurin, D.A. Grushin, S.A. Fomin. Two-dimensional packing problems and optimization in distributed computing systems. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 483-502.
  59. V. A. Semenov, A. S. Anichkin, S. V. Morozov, O. A. Tarlapan, V. A. Zolotov. Effective Method For Scheduling Complex Industrial Programs Under Spatio-Temporal Constraints. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 457-482.
  60. Anton Korshunov, Ivan Beloborodov, Nazar Buzun, Valeriy Avanesov, Roman Pastukhov, Kyrylo Chykhradze, Ilya Kozlov, Andrey Gomzin, Ivan Andrianov, Andrey Sysoev, Stepan Ipatov, Ilya Filonenko, Christina Chuprina, Denis Turdakov, Sergey Kuznetsov. Social network analysis: methods and applications. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 439-456.
  61. Denis Turdakov, Nikita Astrakhantsev, Yaroslav Nedumov, Andrey Sysoev, Ivan Andrianov, Vladimir Mayorov, Denis Fedorenko, Anton Korshunov, Sergey Kuznetsov. Texterra: A Framework for Text Analysis. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 421-438.
  62. O.I. Samovarov, S.S. Gaysaryan. The web-laboratory architecture based on the cloud and the UniHUB implementation as an extension of the OpenStack platform. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 403-420.
  63. S.V. Syromyatnikov, I. E. Bronshteyn, N. L. Lugovskoy. Refactoring on the whole project. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 395-402.
  64. Vartanov S.P., Gerasimov A.Y. Dynamic program analysis for error detection using goal-seeking input data generation. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 375-394.
  65. Alexander Monakov, Eugene Velesevich, Vladimir Platonov, Arutyun Avetisyan. Analysis and development tools for efficient programs on parallel architectures. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 357-374.
  66. Dmitry Melnik, Shamil Kurmangaleev, Arutyun Avetisyan, Andrey Belevantsev, Dmitry Plotnikov, Mamikon Vardanyan. Optimizing programs for given hardware architectures with static compilation: methods and tools. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 343-356.
  67. Victor Ivannikov, Shamil Kurmangaleev, Andrey Belevantsev, Alexey Nurmukhametov, Valery Savchenko, Hripsime Matevosyan, Arutyun Avetisyan. Implementing Obfuscating Transformations in the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 327-342.
  68. Dovgalyuk P.M., Makarov V.A., Padaryan V.A., Romaneev M.S., Fursova N.I. Application of software emulators for the binary code analysis. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 277-296.
  69. Sergey Gaissaryan, Shamil Kurmangaleev, Kseniya Dolgorukova, Valery Savchenko, Sevak Sargsyan. Applying two-stage LLVM-based compilation approach to application deployment via cloud storage. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 315-326.
  70. Roman Zhuykov, Dmitry Melnik, Ruben Buchatskiy, Vahagn Vardanyan, Vladislav Ivanishin, Eugene Sharygin. Dynamic and ahead of time optimization for JavaScript programs. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 297-314.
  71. V.A. Padaryan, A.I. Getman, M.A. Solovyev, M.G. Bakulin, A.I. Borzilov, V.V. Kaushan, I.N. Ledovskich, U.V. Markin, S.S. Panasenko. Methods and software tools for combined binary code analysis. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 251-276.
  72. V.P. Ivannikov, A.A. Belevantsev, A.E. Borodin, V.N. Ignatiev, D.M. Zhurikhin, A.I. Avetisyan, M.I. Leonov. Static analyzer Svace for finding of defects in program source code. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 231-250.
  73. Buzdalov D.V., Zelenov S.V., Kornykhin E.V., Petrenko A.K., Strakh A.V., Ugnenko A.A., Khoroshilov A.V. Tools for System Design of Integrated Modular Avionics. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 201-230.
  74. A. Kamkin, A. Kotsynyak, S. Smolov, A. Sortov, A. Tatarnikov, M. Chupilko. Tools for Functional Verification of Microprocessors. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 149-200.
  75. Nikolay Pakulin, Victor Shnitman, Alexey Nikeshin. Automation of conformance testing for communication protocols. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 109-148.
  76. E.A. Gerlits, V.V. Kuliamin, A.V. Maksimov, A.K. Petrenko, A.V. Khoroshilov, A.V. Tsyvarev. Testing of Operating Systems. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 27-72.
  77. Igor Burdonov, Alexander Kossatchev. Conformance theory development: semantics, formal models, algorithms. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 27-72.
  78. V. Kuliamin, A. Petrenko. Evolution of UniTESK Test Development Technology. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 9-26.
  79. V.P. Ivannikov. Introduction. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 1, 2014 . pp. 7-8.
  80. D.A. Nosov. Syntactical characterization of nondeterministic logspace complexity class. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 275-296.
  81. Varnovskij N.P., Martishin S.А., Khrapchenko M.V., Shokurov А.V. A Threshold Cryptosystem in Secure Cloud Computations. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 269-274.
  82. T.A. Novikova, V.A. Zakharov. Two-sided program unification and its application to program refactoring. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 245-268.
  83. L.E. Karpov, V.N. Yudin. Lowing ambiguity level in object state estimation in a case-based control system. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 231-244.
  84. V.A. Semenov, S.V. Morozov, D.V. Ilyin. A combined method for verification of large-scale data models. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 197-230.
  85. V.A. Zolotov, V.A. Semenov. Effective spatio-temporal indexing methods for visual modeling of large industrial projects. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 175-196.
  86. V.I. Gonakhchyan. Survey of polygonal surface simplification algorithms on GPU. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 159-174.
  87. Yu.B. Vorobyev, P. Kudinov, M. Jeltsov, К. Kööp, T.V.K. Nhat. Application of information technologies (genetic algorithms, neural networks, parallel calculations) in safety analysis of Nuclear Power Plants. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 137-158.
  88. P.M. Dovgalyuk, Y.V. Markin. Using Deterministic Replay for Software Fault Injection. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 119-136.
  89. V.K. Koshelev, A.O. Izbyshev, I.A. Dudina. Interprocedural taint analysis for LLVM-bitcode. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 97-118.
  90. O.V.Goremykin. Description of hardware configurations of guest systems in QEMU emulator as separate text files. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 87-96.
  91. Igor Burdonov, Alexander Kosachev. Graph learning by a set of automata. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 43-86.
  92. I.S. Zakharov, M.U. Mandrykin, V.S. Mutilin, E.M. Novikov, A.K. Petrenko, A.V. Khoroshilov. Configurable Toolset for Static Verification of Operating Systems Kernel Modules. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 2, 2014 . pp. 5-42.
  93. N.P. Varnovsky, V.A.Zakharov, N.N. Kuzurin, V.A. Shokurov. The current state of art in program obfuscations:definitions of obfuscation security. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 167-198.
  94. V.V. Podymov, V.A. Zakharov. A polynomial algorithm for checking the equivalence in models of programs with commutation and vast operators. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 145-166.
  95. V.A. Padaryan, V.V. Kaushan, A.N. Fedotov. Automated exploit generation method for stack buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 127-144.
  96. A. Nurmukhametov, Sh. Kurmangaleev, V. Kaushan, S. Gaissaryan. Compiler protection techniques against software vulnerabilities exploitation. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 113-126.
  97. Alexey Borodin. Static detection of error of double locking of mutex. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 103-112.
  98. A. Monakov, V. Platonov. Optimizations for linear solvers in OpenFOAM for MPI + CUDA platform. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 91-102.
  99. Ksenia Dolgorukova. Overview of Scalable Frameworks of Cross-Module Optimization. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 69-90.
  100. M.P. Galanin, M.M. Gorbunov-Posadov, A.V. Ermakov, V.V. Lukin, A.S. Rodin, K.L. Shapovalov. Prototype of an integrated software platform for tracking computer simulations to solve complex problems of mathematical modeling. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 51-68.
  101. A.S. Anichkin, V.A. Semenov. A survey of emerging models and methods of scheduling. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 3, 2014 . pp. 5-50.
  102. S.V. Popova, I.A. Khodyrev. Ranking in keyphrase extraction problem: is it suitable to use statistics of words occurrences?. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 123-136.
  103. L. Ermakova, S. Ermakov. Linguistic Approach to Suicide Detection. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 113-122.
  104. D. Kostyrev, A.B. Kogan, S. Anischenko,M. Petrushan. Time invariant hand gesture recognition for human-computer interaction. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 99-112.
  105. A. Raskin. Comparison of partial orders clustering techniques. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . Стр. 91-98.
  106. P.V. Fedotovsky, G.A. Erokhin, K.E. Cherednik, K.K. Smirnov, G.A. Chernishev. To sort or not to sort: the evaluation of R-Tree and B+-Tree in transactional environment with ordered result requirement. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 73-90.
  107. D. Fedorenko, N. Astrakhantsev, D. Turdakov. Automatic Recognition of Domain-Specific Terms: an Experimental Evaluation. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 55-72.
  108. O. Borisenko, A. Laguta, D. Turdakov, S. Kuznetsov. Developing scalable software infrastructure for data storage and processing for computational biology problems. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 45-54.
  109. O. Borisenko, D. Turdakov, S. Kuznetsov. Automating cluster creation and management for Apache Spark in Openstack cloud. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 33-44.
  110. R. Pastukhov, A. Korshunov, D. Turdakov, S. Kuznetsov. Improving quality of graph partitioning using multilevel optimization. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 21-32.
  111. N. Astrakhantsev. Automatic term acquisition from domain-specific text collection by using Wikipedia. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 7-20.
  112. Sergey Kuznetsov. Introduction. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 4, 2014 . pp. 5-6.
  113. A.I. Avetisyan. Preface. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 5-6.
  114. G. Tsiperman. The stochastic model of information system services identification process. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 7-28.
  115. S.S. Tolstyh, V.E. Podolsky. Evaluation of complexity of the large-block cloud computing using arithmetic with enhanced accuracy. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 29-64.
  116. I. Bychkov, G. Oparin, A. Feoktistov, V.Bogdanova, A. Pashinin. Multiagent methods and tools of management in a service-oriented distributed computing environment. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 65-82.
  117. A.V. Trepacheva. Improved known plaintexts attack on Domingo-Ferrer homomorphic cryptosystem. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 83-98.
  118. Ph. Burtyka. Batch Symmetric Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Matrix Polynomials. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 99-116.
  119. C. Brouzet, T. Dauxois, E. Ermanyuk, S. Joubaud, M. Kraposhin, I. Sibgatullin. Direct numerical simulation of internal gravity wave attractor in trapezoidal domain with oscillating vertical wall. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 117-142.
  120. N.S. Orlova, Ya.N. Kachalkina. Investigation of vibrofluidized granular layer modes using OpenFOAM. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 143-154.
  121. B. Krasnopolsky, A. Medvedev, A. Chulyunin. On application of GPUs for modelling of hydrodynamic characteristics of screw marine propellers in OpenFOAM package. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 155-172.
  122. B.L. Kantsyrev. Calculation of the disintegration of any break in the flow of a two-speed two-phase incompressible. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 173-186.
  123. N.F. Dimitrieva, Ya.V. Zagumennyi. Numerical simulation of stratified flows usingOpenFOAM package. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 187-200.
  124. M. Volik. Investigation of the effect of the length of the street on the flow of air in them. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 5, 2014 . pp. 201-212.
  125. Nina Yevtushenko, Ana R. Cavalli, Alexander K. Petrenko. Preface. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 11-16
  126. Diego Rivera, N. Kushik, C. Fuenzalida, A. Cavalli, N. Yevtushenko. A TEFSM-based Framework for QoE Evaluation of OTT Services. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 17-30.
  127. Stéphane Maag Model-Based Testing for MANETs. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 31-46.
  128. Svetlana Prokopenko. Locating a faulty component of an EFSM composition. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 47-56.
  129. Igor Burdonov, Alexander Kossachev. Building direct and back spanning trees by automata on a graph. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 57-62
  130. Igor Burdonov, Alexander Kossachev, Victor Kuliamin. Parallel calculations by automata on direct and back spanning trees of a graph. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 63-66
  131. Maria Forostyanova. Test derivation based on tree FSMs and tree automata. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 67-76
  132. Alexandre Tvardovskiy. On the minimization of timed Finite State Machines. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 77-84
  133. O. Kondratyeva, N. Yevtushenko, A. Cavalli. Solving parallel equations for Finite State Machines with Timeouts. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 85-98.
  134. Vin Hoa La, Ana Cavalli. A study of Intrusion-tolerant routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 99-110
  135. Anton Ermakov. Deriving checking sequences for nondeterministic FSMs. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 111-124
  136. Jorge Lopez, Stephane Maag, Gerardo Morales. Scalable Evaluation of Distributed On-line Network Monitoring for Behavioral Feedback in Trust Management. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 26, issue 6, 2014 . pp. 125-140

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