- А.S. Kamkin. A specification-driven method for automating simulation-based verification of pipelined microprocessors. Diss. Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.
Other publications
- Grineva M., Grinev M., Boldakov A., Novak L., Syssoev A., Lizorkin D. Sifting Micro-blogging Stream for Events of User Interest. SIGIR 2009.
- Turdakov D., Lizorkin D. HMM Expanded to Multiple Interleaved Chains as a Model for Word Sense Disambiguation. PACLIC 2009: The 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computations.
- Turdakov D. Sense Disambiguation of Wikipedia's Terms based on Hidden Markov Model. RCDL 2009: Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections.
- Grineva M., Grinev M., Lizorkin D. Extracting Key Terms From Noisy and Multitheme Documents. WWW2009: 18th International World Wide Web Conference.
- Lizorkin D., Medelyan O., Grineva M. Analysis of Community Structure in Wikipedia (Poster). WWW2009: 18th International World Wide Web Conference.
- Grineva M., Grinev M., Lizorkin D. Effective Extraction of Thematically Grouped Key Terms From Text. AAAI-SSS-09: Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0.
- Kalinin A. DataGuide-based Distribution for XML Documents. SYRCoDIS 2009.
- Bulychev P.E., Kostylev E.V., Zakharov V.A. Anti-unification algorithms and their applications in program analysis. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference "Perspectives of System Informatics", June 15-19, 2009, Novosibirsk, серия Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014, vol. 5947, pp. 413-424.
- Khoroshilov A., Petrenko A., Mutilin V., Zakharov V.A. Establishing Linux Driver Verification Processes. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference "Perspectives of System Informatics", June 15-19, 2009, Novosibirsk, серия Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Springer, vol. 5947, с. 165-176.
- Zakharov V.A. Two-tape machinery for the equivalence checking of sequential programs. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Program Understanding, June 20-22, 2009, Novosibirsk, 2009, Novosibirsk, pp. 28-40.
- S.G.Groshev. Bug localization by constructing reduced traces. Programming and Computer Software, Volume 35, Number 3, pp. 145-157, may 2009.
- M.V. Arkhipova, S.V. Zelenov. Directed Generation of Test Data for Static Semantics Checker. ISoLA 2008. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 17, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, 753-768.
- A. Kamkin. MicroTESK: Automation of Test Program Generation for Microprocessors. East-West Design & Test Symposium, September 18-21, 2009, pp. 35-38.
- S. Frenkel, A.Kamkin. Verification Methodology Based on Algorithmic State Machines and Cycle-Accurate Contract Specifications. East-West Design & Test Symposium, September 18-21, 2009, pp. 39-42.
- A. Kamkin. Specification-Driven Construction of Testbench Checkers for RTL Models of Synchronous Parallel-Pipeline Hardware. Written for RTL and High-Level Testing Workshop, 2009.
- E. Kornikhin. SMT-based Test Program Generation for Cache-memory Testing. East and West-2009, pp124-127.
- V. V. Kuliamin, V. A. Omelchenko, O. L. Petrenko. Formal Methods: for All or for Chosen? Proceedings of 1-st CSEDU, Lisboa, Portugal, 2009, pp. 217-222.
- N. Pakulin, V. Rubanov. Early creation of cross toolkits for embedded systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd NESTER workshop.
- N. Pakulin, V. Rubanov. A Flexible Approach to Automated Development of Cross Toolkits for Embedded Systems. Ershov Memorial Conference 2009: 331-343.
- N. Pakulin. Telecommunication Protocol Testing. Microsoft Research & Institute for System Programming RAS Joint Workshop, Moscow, 19-20 June, 2009.
- A.K.Petrenko. Certification of open-source software: A role for formal methods? // International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering (IJCSSE), 2009.
- V.V. Rubanov. Creating Open Educational Environment Based on Open Source Software Projects. Proceedings of CSEDU 2009.
- V.V. Rubanov. Automatic Analysis of Applications for Portability Across Linux Distributions. Electronic Communications of the EASST, Volume 20.
- V.V. Rubanov. A System for Analysis of Backward Binary Compatibility of Shared Libraries in Linux. Proceedings of SECR 2009.
- P. Iakovenko. Log once, debug anywhere: a portable deterministic approach to record-replay test case execution. TTCN-3 User Conference. Sophia-Antipolis. France. 2009.
- V. Kuliamin. Standardization and Testing of Mathematical Functions. Proc. of PSI’2009, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 2009, LNCS 5947:257-268, Springer, 2009.
- A.Petrenko. Model-Based Testing. Editor of proceedings. Electronic Note in Theoretical Computer Science, 2009.
- Ivannikov V. P., Avetisyan A. I., Gaissaryan S. S., Akopyan M. S. Implementation of parallel programs interpreter in the development environment ParJava. Web of Science, PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE, 2009.
- S. Smolov. Application of UniTESK Technology for Functional Testing of Infrastructural Grid Software. Proceedings of the Third Spring Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering, 2009, pp. 82-88.
- M. Chupilko. Constructing Test Sequences for Hardware Designs with Parallel Starting Operations Using Implicit FSM Models. EWDTS-2009 (East-West Design and Test Symposium 2009). Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS 2009), 393-396 pp.
- M. Chupilko, A. Kamkin. Specification-Driven Testbench Development for Synchronous Parallel-Pipeline Designs. NorChip-2009, pp.1-4.
- A. Kossachev, I. Burdonov, P.Iakovenko. Virtualization-based separation of privilege: working with sensitive data in untrusted environment. Proceedings of the 1st EuroSys Workshop on Virtualization Technology for Dependable Systems,2009, pp.1-6.
- A. Khoroshilov, V. Kuliamin, A. Petrenko, O. Petrenko, V. Rubanov. Building open learning environment for software engineering students. Skovde, Sweden, In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on “D4PL - Designing for participatory learning” (D4PL-2009), 6 June 2009, pp. 11-17.
- A. Khoroshilov. Open Source Certification and Educational Process. York, United Kingdom, In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert’2009), 28 March 2009, pp. 28-35.
- Denis Silakov. Designing a Development Environment to Support Creation of Standard-Compliant Applications. Third Spring Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engeneering (SYRCoSE). Moscow, 2009, pp.7-16.
- Pavel Shved, Denis Silakov. Binary Compatibility of Shared Libraries Implemented in C++ on GNU/Linux Systems. Third Spring Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engeneering (SYRCoSE). Moscow, 2009, pp.17-26.
- Eugene Novikov, Denis Silakov. The Automated Analysis of Header Files for Support of the Standardization Process. Third Spring Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engeneering (SYRCoSE). Moscow, 2009, pp.27-34.
- Kalugin, M.D., Teplukhin, A.V. Parallel Monte Carlo study on caffeine-DNA interaction in aqueous solution. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2009.
- Evgeni Kornikhin. Test Data Generation for LRU Cache-Memory testing. SYRCoSE'09, pp.88-92.
- Мария Гринева, Максим Гринев. Анализ текстовых документов для извлечения тематически сгруппированных ключевых терминов.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 155-165.
- Максим Гринев, Иван Щеклеин. Ориентированные на приложения методы хранения XML-данных.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 143-154.
- В.В. Рубанов. Метод формальной спецификации аппаратуры с конвейерной организацией и его приложение к задачам функционального тестирования.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 129-141.
- А.С. Камкин. Метод формальной спецификации аппаратуры с конвейерной организацией и его приложение к задачам функционального тестирования.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 107-128.
- В.С. Мутилин. Метод проверки линеаризуемости многопоточных Java программ.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 89-106.
- В. В. Кулямин. Перспективы интеграции методов верификации программного обеспечения.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 73-88.
- В.А. Падарян, А.И. Гетьман, М.А. Соловьев. Программная среда для динамического анализа бинарного кода.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 51-72.
- А. Белеванцев, Д. Журихин, Д. Мельник. Компиляция программ для современных архитектур.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 31-50.
- А.И. Аветисян, В.В. Бабкова, А.В. Монаков. Обеспечение высокопродуктивного программирования для современных параллельных платформ.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 9-24.
- В.П. Иванников. Предисловие.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 16 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 5-8.
- И.Б. Бурдонов, А.С. Косачев. Полное тестирование с открытым состоянием ограниченно недетерминированных систем.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 193-208.
- И.Б. Бурдонов, А.С. Косачев. Полное тестирование с открытым состоянием ограниченно недетерминированных систем.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 161-192.
- Е. В. Корныхин. Генерация тестовых данных для системного функционального тестирования микропроцессоров с учетом кэширования и трансляции адресов.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 145-160.
- Я.С. Губенко, А.С. Камкин, М.М. Чупилко. Сравнительный анализ современных технологий разработки тестов для моделей аппаратного обеспечения.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 133-143.
- Д.Н. Воробьев, А.С. Камкин. Генерация тестовых программ для подсистемы управления памятью микропроцессора.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 119-132.
- М.В. Архипова, С.В. Зеленов. Направленная генерация тестовых данных для анализаторов статической семантики.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 93-117.
- А. В. Баранцев, С. В. Грошев, В. А. Омельченко. Генерация оптимизированных для ручного выполнения сценариев тестирования приложений с графическим интерфейсом пользователя.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 75-92.
- П.Н. Яковенко, А.В. Сапожников. Инфраструктура тестирования веб-сервисов на базе технологии TTCN-3 и платформы .NET.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 63-74.
- Н.В. Пакулин, С.А. Смолов. Применение технологии UniTESK для функционального тестирования инфаструктурного ПО Грид.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 41-61.
- Д. В. Силаков, А.В. Хорошилов. Методы обеспечения переносимости ПО.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 25-39.
- В. В. Кулямин. Организация сложных тестовых наборов.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 9-24.
- В.П. Иванников. Предисловие.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. Volume 17 (in Russian), 2009 . Стр. 5-7.
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